Roxanne Varza, Station F, France, Techcrunch Disrupt 2019

(Roxanne Varza interviewed by Romain Dillet)

It’s like a universty for startups

30 programs. from companies (Facebook, Microsoft, Apple…), from universities, management schools (HEC, Insead)…

Minimum 1 year engagement

Until then just one partner left.

Try to avoid competition between programs.

Flatmates: 600 entrepreneurs coliving space. One third non-french.

Starting 399 euros per room per month.

Participants come mostly from: US, China, Marocco

Future 40:

11.000 startups apply every year at Station F.

Plan to add sustainability, diversity to selection criteria.

Capping 2 years for each startup.

Until now 2.000 startups passed by. 5 exists in the top 30 list.

35 person team to run Station F, plus service providers (maintenance, security).

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