Email Marketing

One of my passions, email marketing, designing the best emails that clicks and sells.
So important for example to:
– A/B test various mail subjects
– make sure the email is mobile and desktop friendly
– test the rendering of the email on the most used mail providers (gmail, hotmail…)
– eventually use services like Litmus to check how spammy the mail is.

In terms of providers to send emails, for a long time I worked for companies where we had our own email servers that we hosted ourselves.

Nowadays, I work with Mailchimp and Sendgrid to send customized messages, even if I miss the flexibility of a self made solution that enabled a perfect integration with all the other systems, I enjoy very much now using Sendgrid and integrate it directly with my code.
If you can’t code, Mailchimp is still good enough.

Interested in new services related to email marketing, for example Convertkit.

Other service I heard of but didn’t try yet: Twilio.

Inspiration is also important, and some websites made a great job at collecting best practices, screenshots of emails and categorize them:

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