
„Design is how it works.“ Steve Jobs

Reading a book by Ken Kocienda this week called “Creative Selection: Inside Apple’s Design Process During the Golden Age of Steve Jobs“ Very interesting to see how Apple goes from an idea to a product, how decisions are being made, how many iterations, how many demos until a product is deemed worthy of being published.

Frictionless sales

Frictionless Selling Framework: 1 Enable, 2 Align, 3 Transform. These are 3 phases and you must go through them in order: there is no transformation (3) without aligning your team with the target buyers (2), and there is no alignment with buyer without a well organised and focused sales team (1).

SEO: Topic Cluster

The first project I worked for in 1997 was the creation of the website of the management school where I studied. The School was proposing several programs, bachelor degrees, master degrees, executive education… To illustrate this, we used planets, one planet per program. In terms of SEO, I like to think of a website as …

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SEO: Pillar page

More than 20 years ago, when I started building websites, we kind of already had an idea that it was good to have some very important pages around your main topics, and then sub-topic pages linked to it, covering a more in-depth specialised content. Then Wikipedia was created and suddenly got the best google ranking …

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Many startups use the same tools… Slack, Google G Suite, Mailchimp, Salesforce, Atlassian, Adobe, Survey Monkey, WordPress… So when you switch from one company to another, you can feel home quite fast, as you don’t have to learn how to use many new tools. On the other hand, there is an inflation of new tools …

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I love lists. You can call me a listomaniac. But at least I’m aware of that. I value the benefits of having a list of things and I know a few of the bad things related to it. To me, lists are a good way to stay motivated on the long term to discover parts …

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Email Marketing

One of my passions, email marketing, designing the best emails that clicks and sells.So important for example to:– A/B test various mail subjects– make sure the email is mobile and desktop friendly– test the rendering of the email on the most used mail providers (gmail, hotmail…)– eventually use services like Litmus to check how spammy …

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