
Tools for SEO

Seotesteronline.com Optimize SEO on WordPress: Yoast SEO Adwords Keywords Planner : my go to place for keyword search… Ahrefs Sistrix SEM Rush : used that one a lot, not cheap but still ok price as long as you use it a lot MOZ Screaming Frog’s SEO Spider Keywords Websites ranking Alexa Similarweb Youtube and social …

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Otter.ai at Techcrunch Disrupt

otter.ai I totally love what that startup does. Techcrunch Disrupt was using them on their main stage. They automatically translate conferences live. Afterwards, they even automatically assign the sentences to each speaker. Very well done, makes me think of this need for people wearing hearing aid or having unsolved hearing impairment. otter.ai/disruptberlin

Roxanne Varza, Station F, France, Techcrunch Disrupt 2019

(Roxanne Varza interviewed by Romain Dillet) It’s like a universty for startups 30 programs. from companies (Facebook, Microsoft, Apple…), from universities, management schools (HEC, Insead)… Minimum 1 year engagement Until then just one partner left. Try to avoid competition between programs. Flatmates: 600 entrepreneurs coliving space. One third non-french. Starting 399 euros per room per …

Roxanne Varza, Station F, France, Techcrunch Disrupt 2019 Read More »

Gocardless, Hiroki Takeushi ,Techcrunch Disrupt

Interesting first person on stage at Techcrunch Disrupt: Hiroki Takeushi, co-founder of Gocardless. He launched this service enabling Small and Middle Businesses to offer Direct Debit Payment. Direct debit is quite different in every country. Gocardless connects all direct debit systems into one platform. Used to be UK focused. Now they can collect payments from …

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