
Many startups use the same tools… Slack, Google G Suite, Mailchimp, Salesforce, Atlassian, Adobe, Survey Monkey, WordPress… So when you switch from one company to another, you can feel home quite fast, as you don’t have to learn how to use many new tools.

On the other hand, there is an inflation of new tools being published every day, just look at Product Hunt: it’s hard to keep up and it also feels like too many tools can be a risk.

When I arrived at Pylot 8 months ago, the company was just a few months old, and they had chosen to use Hubpost for managing their CRM and connected it with Stripe for the payments. I got to know the tool, and I was amazed at how much the tool could do. A little bit like Zoho or Salesforce, it became a platform, and every month, we decided to extend our licence to new areas of the company.

Going from Starter, to Professional, to Entreprise for Marketing, CRM & Sales and Customer Service. I realised that while we continue to use a lot of external tools, we also decided to use more and more Hubspot for things that are usually done in separate softwares. After a few months, I really enjoy being able to see the whole customer journey in one single tool:
– from advertising and SEO content
– to landing page
– and optimisation of registration forms
– to contact with sales team
– to regular automated emails
– to regular use of the services we sell.

The whole reporting tools, dashboards, workflows, automation tools are really well done and it’s great to see many employees interact on one platform.

We learned a lot by just using the tool, but I greatly appreciate the learning platform they Hubspot created:

Hubspot Academy covers all areas of online marketing, with dedicated courses and certificates. I actually learned quite a few things, even if after 8 months of actively using Hubspot, a lot was “basic knowledge”. The whole thing was really inspiring and gave me many ideas of how to improve our use of Hubspot and better achieve our goals.

Now I plan to continue “learning” on this platform and complete the other courses.

Moreover, a lot of this content is not only for Hubspot users, it’s a lot of online marketing basic knowledge, so I would recommend it to everybody.

Hubspot Marketing Software Certified
Hubspot Marketing Software Certified
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